Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Somewhere beyond a 4th grade reading level

“Somos culpables de nacimiento, cada acción nuestra afloja la soga que dejará caer la guillotina que tumbará nuestras cabezas sobre la paja de la historia.”

La Nada Cotidiana

“We are guilty from birth, each action loosening the rope that will drop the guillotine upon our heads, knocking them into the basket of history.”

The Everyday Nothingness

That’s a quote from a novel I just read by the exiled Cuban author, Zoé Valdés. For some reason the language of the line just stuck out to me as very poetic. I also just thought that it was neat how she used such macabre imagery to describe something as ordinary as the passage of time between birth and death. Before I sound too pretentious, just let me say that despite reading a lot of books in Peace Corps, I’m still just as obtuse about the deep meaning and symbolism within poetry and literature as I have always been.


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