Saturday, March 31, 2007

Feeling Indigenous

So I feel like I've been somewhat absent from my blog lately, but now I'm back and in force...or something like that. These photos go all across the board, so hang on tight.

Killu and I. Showing off my new poncho.

This picture looks a little too model-ish, but I just wanted you all to see how cool my poncho looks. And believe it or not, this isn't just me being a toursit, the people in my community actually wear these things, although red is more common than my posh grey-blue.

A giant slug that appeared the other night in friend's bathroom...i should have put my hand there for reference, but anyways, it was about the length of my middle finger or more

A cute picture of Killu in my patio taken by a friend. He loves to play fetch.

This is a good picture of what most every street in Licto looks like. Caught a little Killu tail in the picture.

The cathedral in Licto. Looks sort of out of place, but it's beautiful. The thing is, Licto was founded (officially) in 1540 by a Spaniard, and before that was a settlement since before the times of the I'm sure it had to have been an important town at some point in its more than 500 years of history. It's cool to think that people have lived where I live now since long before my country was even founded.

Have a great Holy Week everybody! In a week from now I'll be on my way to Costa Rica for my brother's wedding. We'll see if I can drop a post at some point during my trip. Take care ev'rybody.


At 4/05/2007 12:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Killu is SO ADORABLE Ryan! He alone is worth a trip to visit you. Okay, well maybe I would want to visit you because I do miss you as well. I will be around Purdue next year and thus may be able to time my trip back home for break just right if you let me know when you will be back in Chicago! Have fun, Be safe, Love you!


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