Saturday, December 29, 2007

Rusty's Visit

As I've mentioned before, I'm a bit behind on the blogging, but here's another update (which now gets me caught up through the end of September...).  These pictures are all from a week-long visit from a good college friend of mine, Rusty.

My friend Jairo jumping off a big cliff right before I made the plunge.

Rusty and I at the top of the cliff.
Rusty, looking elegant in front of the cathedral in Licto.

A few street dogs in Riobamba taking a nap.

Cute monkey in the "zoo" (it was actually out in the open at the zoo)

Rusty, being scared of an ostrich.  I can't balme him, its feet were bigger than my head.

An afternoon snack at the zoo.

This is the mean little monkey that was loose at the zoo last time I was there and chased us around the zoo, scaring the crap out of us. 

Rusty, looking cool in my kitchen.

Rusty and I, in front of the cathedral in Riobamba.
The majestic Chimborazo over some field outside Licto.

Again.  Majestic.

Me, on a street in Quito.

Rusty, in a plaza in Quito.

A church in Quito.  Sunday.

Another church in Quito.

The huge Virgin of Who-Knows-What in Quito.

Well, I hope you enjoyed the 2-minute tour of Ecuador.  Come visit any time!


At 1/04/2008 7:44 PM, Blogger CMNDR Magilla Gorilla said...

Yo Ryan!
Thanks for writing! We are stoked to get down there! I liked all the pictures on your blog!
Funny coincidence that I noticed you were wearing 'The Elms' t-shirt in one of your pictures. A good buddy of mine is good friends with the drummer! Ha!
Anyway I immagine well end up meeting when we get down there!
Hasta- Levi


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