Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Licto Living

From time to time I like to put a little stuff on my blog from my day to day life, so here goes...

One day I actually went out to the fields with one of my neighbors and the clouds on the mountains were really beautiful.

Another... notice one of those figures carrying like 70 pounds of manure is a 4 foot-something 50-something-year-old woman.

Cool picture of the sunset over the mountains. Calendar quality, eh?

Killu looking over a balcony at a friend's house...

The girl on the left is one of my favorite to work with (with one of her friends). Adorable!

A parents' meeting where I gave an impromptu inspirational speech.

Parents signing a contract saying they won't make their kids do 'hard' labor jobs or send them off to do street work without parental supervision.

Lastly, to top it all off, me, eating raw pigskin (they just run a blow-torch over it so it'll peel of easily), a delicacy in my town. (A sincere apology to all my Jewish and Muslim friends)

Well, there's another peek into my daily life. A reminder to anyone who cares, I'm swinging through the states for a few weeks for the end of December and beginning of January...Let me know if you'll be around Chicago or Purdue so we can hang out.


At 12/14/2007 2:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll be visiting Chicago as well! 19th-28th...I would love to see you and hear some stories. Also, I was talking to a guy here at school the other day, and he randomly mentioned going on a trip to Peru/Ecuador in the spring. He might be looking for people to travel with him. Hm... :)

At 12/14/2007 2:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ryan, this is Wyatt Clarke from your Spanish 301 class. I'm not sure if you remember me, but I've really enjoyed reading your blog for the past year or so. I just wanted to let you know I like it. I'm studying abroad in Sao Paulo next semester so I think I'm going to try to copy off you and do a blog myself. Thanks for the update!


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