Mountains and Trees
Well, everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are enjoying the post-turkey buzz. I also wanted to wish you all an awesome holiday season. Merry Christmas! Now for some photos from the last week.
This is sort of my Christmas card for all of you since I clearly am not going to be sending out real Christmas cards to call of you. Merry Christmas from Killu and I!
My Christmas tree. The night I lost my wallet, I put the lights on it and suddenly, I was happy again! Notice that the tree is elevated to avoid inquisitive puppy teeth.
As for non-photo updates, I'm now finally starting to get more and more work to do in my site. I'm now working with three separate youth groups (one in Licto, two in indigenous communities), teaching computer classes two days a week (one in Licto, one in an indigenous community), and working with two community banks (one with a womens group in Licto which has yet to really start up, and one in an indigenous community which has already been running for a year). Anyways, if any of you know of sources of fund for technology development in the developing world, let me know, we've garnered a ton of interest and support for IT development in these communities (and considering that almost none of the kids or even adults I work with have ever touched a computer, I think it's a well-placed interest). Well, that's it for now, hope to hear from you all soon.
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