Panoramicas Chimborazenses...
The other day while I took a grueling (and I mean GRUELING) bike ride of the hill and around the bend to a little Kichwa community called Pompeya, I happened to decide to bring my camera, which ended up being a good idea because I get some good clear panorma pictures.
This is just a view out over the countryside halfway between Pompeya and Licto.

And, a little bigger photo of my home sweet home, Licto, Ecuador. My house is sort of near the middle-bottom-left, if that makes any sense. In any case, this gives you some perspective of how beautiful Chimborazo (my province) really is, even in the bland' town of Licto (that everyone seems to think is ugly). With any luck on my part, you'll be able to click on the picture of get an even larger version.

Well, that's it for now. Reminder: listen to me on the radio tomorrow (Friday), especially if you speak Spanish. See the last entry for more details.
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