So, there's nothing huge to update on and no pictures to put up, but here's the brief on my last week.
The interview on Sevilla Futbol Club Radio in Spain went well. It was about 10 minutes long, so I figure at some point here I deserve 5 more minutes of fame in Spain. By the way, I didn't say and 'South American-isms' but the interviewer did say that I was picking up a South American accent (thankfully, he added that in right after he complimented my Spanish).
Next, I played my first game (hopefully not my last) with the Licto soccer team. I didn't have spikes like the rest of the team (which I just went up to Quito to get this Monday), so it was a little embarassing, but overall it went alright. Now that I've got my cleats, hopefully I'll do better next game.

Ecuadorian elections are this weekend and liquor sales are prohibited for the next THREE DAYS. Another interesting note, if you don't vote in Ecuador, you basically can't get a job, own property, get a loan, etc. Better get out and vote, niños!
One more HUGE update (huge for me, at least). I FINALLY got a sink installed in my houses. For the last 6 weeks I've had to go into my bathroom anytime I needed water and fill up large buckets in my shower for washing dishes (which, consequently, only happened about every 5 days when I ran out of dishes). Now, with a sink, the Licto Palace is nearing its full glory. All that's left is to fix my shower which just stopped working again, put tile in the bathroom, and paint the place.
Last mini update, my hammock is now functional! Hallelujah! Good times reading books, smoking cigars and drinking amaretto on the rocks, while swinging back and forth in my Ecuadorian hammock. Come try it out!
Oh no, now you'll be tempted to poop in your sink cuz you actually have one!!! Watch out, Kilu!
The name's Killu, get it right, Danial Salaçar.
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