Lictomanta Fotokuna
Well, here are some random pictures as a sort of visual update, since I don't have anything all that interesting to say to update you all. So, here goes nothing:
My re-arranged and slightly more furnished bedroom.
My kitchen, now with a fridge and some art on the wall (cut out of some art books I inherited.) From bottom left, the three sections are: Goya, Pissarro, and Cezanne
The other part of my rearranged bedroom. And a puppy on my bed.
The view out my back door on an overcast day. It's nicer when it's sunny.
One little update that I almost forgot about. I'm going to be interviewed on the radio in Spain this Friday (Oct. 6) on a Sevilla Futbol Club radio station. It'll be at 12:30 Central Time and you can listen online at (it'll be all in Spanish obviously). Anyways, the program is a weekly program about Sevilla fans spread out all around the world and they decided that they wanted to know more about a American Sevillista living in Ecuador. Tune in! Wish me luck in not using any Ecua-isms or Spanish vulgarities that I didn't know were vulgarities!
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