Tungarahua Kaboom!

So, a few of you have been asking "Is that volcano that is erupting near you?"
Well, the answer is yes and no. I'm nowhere near it right now, no big deal. On the other hand, my site where I'll be living for the next two years is sort of near it...not in the danger zone, but there's definitely going to be some ash falling on the city for a while.
As far as I know, I'm still moving into my site on the 26th of August, but there have been rumors that I'll be holed up in Quito for a while until this blows over...apparently the black lung or whatever you get from volcanic ash isn't something that the Peace Corps likes to promote, especially since any health problems I get as a result of my service is paid for by them for the rest of my life.
So that's that, I just wanted to let you all know in case you were wondering. We'll see when I get more pictures up from my trip to the jungle...things are getting busy here as I prepare to move all my stuff down to Quito and then to Riobamba and then to Licto.
Thanks for caring and keep reading, maybe one of these days I'll post something on here that's actually interesting, like a haiku or a limerick.
(PS - I didn't take this picture since I haven't been in my site since the volcano has been erupting. I do hope maybe I'll be able to get some cool volcano pictures before I leave the country, though.)
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