This Old House
So, the moment you've all been waiting for has finally arrived. Well, it's more the moment I was waiting for, but that's beside the point. I went down for a 'site visit' for a week and was able to spend the week living what will be my house for the next two years. Unfortunately, the downside to this is that the house was TOTALLY empty when I arrived and had to buy even really basic stuff like disinfectant, soap, a hose, a pillow, etc. (Many things remain to be bought or built such as a mattress, stovetop, sink/countertop, and more.)
We'll start slow and build up to the best pictures...
A view of a small indigenous community I will be working in from time to time. My community is much more developed (at least WE have TWO paved roads in my community...that's luxury if I've ever seen it).
Another picture of the same area where I'll work from time to time. The people in the community, called Pompeya, gave me an awesome welcome. There were about 90 kids out in the town waiting for me and about 20 parents. They cooked a big plate of potatoes, choclo (sort of like corn), cheese, and a whole half of a cuy...aka a guinea pig. Much better than the first time I tried cuy, so I was pleased. Anyways, it was good to know they were excited for me to be there. Most of the people in Licto where I live don't even know that I'm there.
Lighting up my cigar on my patio...nothing like a Cohiba cigar on a cool sierra night.
With a cigar, a tripod, a camera, and a little bit of boredom, here's what happens...
The entryway to my house
The old part of the house, which is abandoned and pretty freaking creepy. If the cobwebs didn't do the trick, the open, half-empty bottle of rum certainly adds to the effect.
My bedroom on the left, the living room-ish room, and a hill in the background...I want to name the two hills behind my house...any suggestions?
My shower...I think I'm going to spend the extra $$ and lay some tile in the shower-room.
The bathroom. The sink and toilet are new, so I'm thinking this bathroom would like great with a new coat of paint maybe some tile in here, too (although, the shower will take precedent in terms of $$).
So, that's the grand tour, hope you like it. It's not exactly a sight for sore eyes, but it's my house and I'm excited about it. So, you're all welcome to come visit me and we'll have a grand old time. Just remember that it's will "Under Construction" and will be much cleaner and nicer by the time you get here. If any of you have ever been in my bedroom at home, you'll trust that I'm actually going to clean this place up. This old house in MY NEW HOUSE!!! Rock.
Well it is not exactly what I pictured when you were on the phone explaining it, but it looks liveable.
Knowing you, you will have the place cleaned up and looking like a palace soon - I'll be anxious to see those pictures.
Was happy to see the pictures though - as for naming one of your mountains - how about "Mom" for one of them or perhaps "Mom" in that indigenous language you are learning (couldn't remember how to spell it).
Hey Ryan - looks like the cigar tasted real good.....Did you have any wine to go along with?
Looks like things are doing well - be safe.
See ya
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