Friday, July 28, 2006

Beautiful Ecuador

Here are some more pictures for all you people out there in Internetlandia, most of you in Gringolandia. I'm finally getting better at uploading photos, but there are still some kinks in the system and it seems as if the links to the full size pictures aren't wanting to work, but I guess you'll just have to deal with it for now. Here's a link to the main page of my photo album on Snapfish. If you go there, you'll notice you have to a make an account. Despite being an annoyance, it's free, so go there if you want to see these pictures in better quality. Thanks!

Some PC friends in the airport in Miami...Left is Rob from California; the guy in glasses is Tyson, a Christian buddy of mine who's from California; next is Farrah who was in my former language group; me; Marianne, who is now in the US due to medical complications; lastly, Ashley who is one of my best Peace Corps friends (at least until she moves to Machala which is like 7 hours from Riobamba).

Another good PC friend, Sarah, taking a picture on a mountain-side.

Picture of a street heading down towards Ayora, where I've been living for the last couple weeks.

Picture of one of the beautiful views up above Ayora. I love just going for walks in the afternoon whenever I have time. And with this altitude that kind of walk actually turns out to be a pretty good workout.

Another beautiful view above Ayora.


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