Briefly, here's the latest:
I got really, really sick recently (I think it was from either the chicha, which is a homemade alcohol, or the guinea pig that the heated up for me for breakfast on Sunday morning. Note - Guinea pig tastes as bad as it sounds...like chicken that's been soaked in fish juice for a week). I'm just now starting to get over it. Guess how I know? I've been like 5 hours now without hitting up the bathroom. And that's a feat to write home about if I've ever heard of one.
Also of interest, it's now been officially one months since I left home. 4% of my Peace Corps service is now done. Whoa...
Also, I find out my site assignment in less than 6 days. Nice. Today the site-assigner-boss-lady called the site where I'll probably be "one of the hardest and poorest sites in Ecuador." Rock. Peace Corps Lite? I think not.
Speaking of my site, I met the Ecuadorian woman who would be my counterpart if I go to that site and she's real cool. That's a relief after hearing about some counterpart horror stories.
Signing off...
Hey Ryan,
Happy 1 month in Ecuador, you 2 getting pretty serious over there? I like the photos you've got so far, reminds me there are amazing places outside the well-beaten tourist path.
If only you were as lucky with the food as you've been with the locals...that's a tough break. How do you medicate over there? My suggested remedy is to STOP EATING RODENTS...my findings are published in the American Journal of the Obvious :-). Hope you feel better soon, I'll be in touch.
Take care,
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