Riobamba Nights
So my first "tech" trip with the Peace Corps came off without a hitch. I really loved the place (Riobamba or here) and it sounds like there's a good possibility that I'll be in that 'cluster'. Things like meeting a gynecologist that also served as a philosopher with sentences like "sometimes in life you're the doctor and sometimes you're the patient. It's the human condition." Other moments such as "whiskey and theology" in which another PCV (who had recently consumed over half a bottle of whiskey) and I had a 90 minute conversation about the existence of god on the street corner. Despite the large amounts of whiskey and immensely long conversation, John (the other guy) was actually an awesome addition to the trip and will likely be a buddy of mine if I end up in the area. The city is right near Ecuador's largest mountain/volcano Chimborazo (below picture; inactive) and not far from Tungurahua (bottom picture; very active). Anyways...really loved the place and all the other PCVs there, so I'll be excited if that's where I'll be living. One thing about it that makes me nervous is that I'd likely be in an indigenous site with lots of indigenous people who tend to be more hesitant to open up to foreigners and having to try and help a lot of kids who go into Riobamba during the days to sell random trinkets and candies. Anyways, I'll keep you posted on my site assigment...we're supposed to find out July 25th as of right now...keep your fingers crossed.

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