Saturday, July 01, 2006

Photographic Journey

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The view of Cayambe (the snow-capped peak looks almost like part of the clouds) that we had the first days of training in Cayambe

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Eating lunch at the Inti Raymi (which my “cousin” owns) while watching Ecuador’s World Cup game vs. England (bloody Brits!)
L to R: Carmen (one of my two “moms”), Soledad (Jennifer’s “mom”), Jennifer, Me

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Jen and I in front of the church in La Esperanza (not the prettiest church in Ecuador)

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One view inside my house for the next 2 months (I’ll get more pictures when people aren’t as not to be rude and take pictures while they’re around)

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Some of the people I live with, except the people with stuff on their heads. I’m not sure if that is just a weird coincidence or what, but everyone in the picture with nothing on their heads lives with me and everyone with hats doesn’t.
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A bigger family shot...and this is just the beginning of the family...there are tons of us.
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The diablo huma or “devil head” in Quichua-Spanish. This is the guy who directs the group of dancers and musicians. He also hits you with the whip if you don’t get out of the way. (It’s so crowded that most people get hit at least once...thankfully it’s just a soft whip)
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My little sister, Lupita, dancing in the procession. She’s 9 years old and is absolutely adorable. She’s actually from another family with some serious problems and is just living with my family. Thankfully, she gets good grades but her interactions with adults show a lot of residuals from abuse or mistreatment in the past.

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My little sisters who recently went from fear of me to attachment. Marcela (11) and Lupita (9) are always holding my hand now or hugging me or asking me to spin them around. I’m in no rush for children, but spending time with beautiful, adorable kids like them make me excited to have kids.
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Our dog, Perluza. She sleeps all day and barks all night. One night she barked for literally 3 hours straight.
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Part of my training group. L to R: Julie, Jose (our language facilitator), myself, and Jen.

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My street, which is just a bit outside town, about a 3 minute walk from town and 10 minutes from the downtown area.

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The front gate of my house.

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Julie in front of some crazy traditional thing where they have a stick with like 8 live chicken tied to it...weird.

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Bullfight in the middle of town (wooden structures are built just for the weekend for the bullfights.

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As you can see, any town crazies can hop right in a chase the bull around in there (or rather, get chased around by the bull).

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Not like Spain...not at all.

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Two of my best friends here with some family kids: Steve in the middle, Sarah at bottom, and various kids all around.

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Lupita, me, Marcela

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These kids love taking pictures. They also do whatever I tell them to do. Like play dead (which is the trick I like to use when I'm too tired to play with them anymore).


At 7/07/2006 7:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pictures are great - looks like you need to use more sunscreen - looks like your nose is preety burnt. Maybe it is just the picture.

Gram's computer comes in this weekend and I know she is anxious to get it hooked up so she can view your blog as well - in the meantime - next time she is here, I'll show it to her.

At 7/07/2006 7:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said.... was Me (MOM)
I though I clicked on Other - but I guess not.


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