Thursday, August 21, 2008

Weddings in Cuenca

Once again I return to the virtual world...Below I'll drop you some of the most recent pics from down here in Ecuador, but I guess I should first give you an update on my life. I have now successfully completed my two years of Peace Corps service, which flew by...had a great time in Licto, made so many great friends and was sad to leave it behind, but I'm also excited for what lies ahead. I extended my service with Peace Corps, but now I'll be in the CITY of Cuenca for the next year or so. Thankfully, my girlfriend Gaby has been able to move back to Cuenca as well (she used to live here before I met her). Anyways, I've got really cool work going on down here and I'm excited to be here.

The two weddings you'll see pictures of here actually took place here in Cuenca, and going to these weddings in Cuenca are really what motivated me to ask for an extension in Cuenca. Both weddings were between an American Peace Corps volunteer and an Ecuadorian (I'll let you know when the next American-Ecuadorian wedding will be taking year work for you all?)

Gaby and I with our 'bored' faces...some something like that.

Our friend Ceci and her dad.

After the ceremony in the church

Beautiful reception hall for the wedding.

Ceci and her husband Fernando

Gaby and I, a couple of the last guests to leave the party

The other wedding: our friends Joel and his wife Mayra

The first dance

Gaby and I at the other wedding.

Gaby and two former Peace Corps volunteers: Lonnie and Sarah

Gaby in Cuenca's central park

That's all for now, I hope to update the last pictures from Licto and the first ones from my house in Cuenca within a couple weeks. 'Til next time...


At 9/23/2008 5:58 PM, Blogger SergtPeppa said...

Cuenca really is the city de bodas. Y como dije a Lauren, del Omni 100, it's also kind of the city of couples. Funny, I don't recall the photo of you and Gaby looking bored, but I get distracted at weddings...


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