So I was able to hit a bullfight this weekend that was here in Riobamba for the Foundation of the City holiday. It was a pretty decent fight with 3 Novillero (new/young fighters), 3 Matadors (experienced), and one Rejoneador (fighter on horseback). I enjoyed getting a taste of Spain even while in South America where 'chuchería' means something entirely different than it does in Spain. For those of you who have no idea what that mean, in Spain it means 'sweet junk food' and here it just sounds plain vulgar...Anyhow, that made no sense. Now for the pictures...
Typical picture...notice the lacklust 'aficion' (fanbase) of bullfighting in Ecuador. Still a good picture.

Bullfighters as they come out of the 'locker room'

Neat blurry picture...

I also had my friend, Lisa, from a nearby province in town on Saturday and she came to visit my site and captured the first actual proof that I've actually been in my site. This is me in front of the cathedral in Licto...the is just a bit of it, it's actually really big and fairly pretty.

A picture Lisa took in Licto's graveyard.

As always, I also took some pictures of Killu this weekend.
Curled up in my lap.

Sah-weeping puppy.

If this isn't a dog model in action, I don't know what is!

Random picture I took of my junk on the floor in my friend's house. Mostly I just put this up so you could see my cool Ecua-purse, as I call it. Cool little Incan dude, huh?

Well, that's it for now, keep on rockin', kids.