Thursday, March 20, 2008

My brother and Sean in Ecuador

Well, again, I'm getting little by little closer to up-to-date status. My brother, Aaron, and his buddy Sean came to visit in November last year and we did a little tour of the country (the most comprehensive yet out of the 3 visitors I have had). It was also the worst weather for a visitor since I've been here. Overall, I think we overcame various frustrations (it wasn't just the weather that caused airports being completely shut down, for example was one of the unforseeable problems.)

We started in Guayaquil, went down to the beach for a couple days, then went up to visit my town, went down to the jungle, and then up to Quito.

These are just the photos from our rafting trip in the Amazon basin, but next week I'll get some of the pictures up from the rest of the trip.

Here's one of us about to jump off of a native-made suspension bridge...Indiana Jones' style.

The aforementioned bridge

The only picture of both Aaron and I all trip, I think...

A beautiful series of waterfalls

Parked at a waterfall

Posing with the 'team', which included the three of us, a friend of mine, and a Irish-born, Ecua-resident guide

About to jump

Smile. Aaron, Sean, me, Meghan, the forget


I think we may have lost a member of the crew in this rapid...

Another rapid


Sean, taking in the sun during our lunch break

Lunch, organized from whitest to darkest (L to R)

Well, those are the rafting pictures, I've got a ton of others, but they'll have to wait for now...