Guinea Pig: Pet or PrimeRib?

Generally, the indigenous people are reserved but respectful, so it's taking me a while to build up my group of contacts and friends in my town, but little by little I'm beginning to get to know more and more people. The Kichwa learning has been slow because the town I'm in is sort of mixed, so people speak Spanish a lot (although people still speak to me at times in Kichwa either because 1) they don't know Spanish at all or 2) they just think I won't undersand and it will be a good way to make fun of me).
In one of the communities I work in, about half of the population doesn't speak Spanish so I get to sit through a number of meetings understanding next to nothing for about 40 minutes at the time.

Anyways, that's the interesting stuff from this week of work. Tonight I'm going out and visiting a friend's site who lives in a REALLY indigenous site (read: 'hardcore Peace Corps'). Thanks for being patient with this boring phase in my blog, hopefully I find some way to spice it up in the future. Take care and I'll look forward to hearing from you all soon.